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Seville Prefinished Oak from £129.99

Internal Doors: Price: Code: Quantity:
1981mm x 457mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI18
1981mm x 533mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI21
1981mm x 610mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI24
1981mm x 686mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI27
1981mm x 711mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI28 Unavailable
1981mm x 762mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI30
2032mm x 813mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI32
1981mm x 838mm x 35mm £134.99 £129.99 OAKSEVI33
2040mm x 526mm x 40mm £139.99 £134.99 OAKSEVI526 Unavailable
2040mm x 626mm x 40mm £139.99 £134.99 OAKSEVI626
2040mm x 726mm x 40mm £139.99 £134.99 OAKSEVI726
2040mm x 826mm x 40mm £139.99 £134.99 OAKSEVI826 Unavailable
2040mm x 926mm x 40mm £144.99 £139.99 OAKSEVI926
Door Information
  • Brand: Deanta
  • Style: Seville
  • Type: Internal Doors
  • Material: Internal Oak Doors
  • Finish: Prefinished (Fully Finished)
  • Core Type: Solid Core
  • Lippings: 18mm on all Edges
  • Trimming from Top: 16mm
  • Trimming from Sides: 16mm each side
  • Trimming from Bottom: 16mm
  • Guarantee: 10 Years Deanta Warranty
  • Glazing: N/A
  • Fire Rated: No
  • FSC Certified: Yes
The rich grain patterns in this door’s crown cut veneer highlight a striking combination of vertical and horizontal panels.

Covered by the Deanta 10 year warranty, the Seville prefinished oak internal door is constructed from North American white oak veneer and lippings with a solid engineered core for greater strength and stability. The timber used in the construction is sustainably sourced and FSC® certified.

The construction allows 16mm to be trimmed off all edges of the door. This trimming allowance is the hallmark of Deanta doors supplied by Doors2Doors.

3 - 5 Working Days

£36 Nationwide Delivery

Delivery Information
The standard delivery timescale is 3 - 5 working days from your order. This includes delivery to your premises of choice, but pending the access that's available, we may need to leave your products nearby or kerb-side. Sometimes orders come quicker than anticipated, but we will always notify our customers beforehand.

Our standard delivery charge for any amount of doors is £36. With free delivery on orders over £950.

Here at Doors2Doors we do offer a collection option, this can be selected during checkout.
The collection address is:
86 Essex Road, Leicester, LE4 9EG.

Please note! The stock availability on the website shows what we can deliver in 3-5 working days. We may not have the door available for immediate collection.

A link to our refund policy can be found here

Please call us on 0116 276 7285 or email us at info@doors2doors.co.uk

Bespoke Doors - Click here


Metric (mm) Imperial (feet & inches) Imperial (inches)
1981 x 305 6ft 6" x 1ft 78" x 12"
1981 x 381 6ft 6" x 1ft 3" 78" x 15"
1981 x 457 6ft 6" x 1ft 6" 78" x 18"
1981 x 533 6ft 6" x 1ft 9" 78" x 21"
1981 x 610 6ft 6" x 2ft 78" x 24"
1981 x 686 6ft 6" x 2ft 3" 78" x 27"
1981 x 711 6ft 6" x 2ft 4" 78" x 28"
1981 x 762 6ft 6" x 2ft 6" 78" x 30"
2032 x 813 6ft 8" x 2ft 8" 80" x 32"
1981 x 838 6ft 6" x 2ft 9" 78" x 33"
1981 x 864 6ft 6" x 2ft 10" 78" x 34"
1981 x 913 6ft 6" x 2ft 11.9" 78" x 35.9"
2040 x 526 6ft 8.3" x 1ft 8.7" 80.3" x 20.7"
2040 x 626 6ft 8.3" x 2ft 0.6" 80.3" x 24.6"
2040 x 726 6ft 8.3" x 2ft 4.6" 80.3" x 28.6"
2040 x 826 6ft 8.3" x 2ft 8.5" 80.3" x 32.5"
2040 x 926 6ft 8.3" x 3ft 0.5" 80.3" x 36.5"
Sizes in blue text with a grey background are the most popular "standard" door sizes. Other sizing shows less common door sizes which some suppliers offer with the most popular of their door designs.


Metric (mm) Imperial (feet & inches) Imperial (inches)
1981 x 6866ft 6" x 2ft 3"78" x 27"
1981 x 7626ft 6" x 2ft 6"78" x 30"
1981 x 8386ft 6" x 2ft 9"78" x 33"
1981 x 9156ft 6" x 3ft78" x 36"
2032 x 8136ft 8" x 2ft 8"80" x 32"
2040 x 7266ft 8.3" x 2ft 4.6"80.3" x 28.6"
2040 x 8266ft 8.3" x 2ft 8.5"80.3" x 32.5"
2040 x 9266ft 8.3" x 3ft 0.5"80.3" x 36.5"
2083 x 8646ft 10" x 2ft 10"82" x 34"
2134 x 9157ft x 3ft84" x 36"

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